Islas De Gigantes Lighthouse & Bakwitan Cave

For our second day in the Island, we went to their famous new lighthouse which is powered by a solar device.
The lighthouse is located in Brgy. Asluman Isla Gigantes norte, we went there via habal-habal (motorcycle). Each motorcycle will costs you 200.00php from the resort going to the lighthouse and to the cave. The drivers will also be your tour guides.

The original lighthouse was built by the Spaniards and was destroyed by the typhoon frank last 2008. So they built a new lighthouse and established it still on the place of the original lighthouse. You can ask the caretaker if it is okay to climb up on lighthouse top and they will open the gate for you. But on our side, since our tour guides are pretty much close to the caretaker they permitted us so.

The lighthouse is so clean. Just watched your steps while climbing up because the stairs are so strait so be careful going up. Once you reached the top, you'll see the beautiful Visayan sea and a small islet a far.

Upon leaving, don't forget to give a donation to the donation box. This will help them to maintain the cleanliness of the place.

Next stop is the Bakwitan cave.

Going up to the Bakwitan cave is not that easy especially if it is rainy. The trail is slippery before you reach the cave's entrance.

As you go inside the cave, rock formation and different kinds of cave chambers will welcome you. While you're on your way of discovering the beauty of the cave, you will also discover old folks stories and how the cave help people in times of calamities.

In the middle of exploration you will go through difficult trails. You will experience stumbling down because it's slippery, you will go through small holes of stones and even crawling into it. There's this climbing using slippery rope full of mud so you make sure your guides are strong enough to help out. There's no alternative way to go out from the cave but through here so you better prepare for it.

And when you reached the cave exit and made it to the top, the breathtaking view will paid it all off and you will say the caving experience was so worth it.

But if you thought that's the end of your difficulties then brace yourselves for more of going down the cave because it is much more difficult because of the spikes of rocks. You'd rather go back and went through the difficult trails inside the cave.

After the relaxing experience in the lighthouse and the difficult yet worthy experience in the cave, we left the island with a big smile in our faces and will definitely go back to Islas de Gigantes.

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