My Blogging Journey | Shahani Lopez

This month of July is my Blog Anniversary.

It’s been five years since I started blogging, though it was an on and off blogging because of busy schedules in running our family’s business. I’ve been so caught up with work and I forgot to write blogs about all my adventures. There were times I thought I should just quit doing blogs but then the back of my mind tells me not to even though I do not know where was that coming from. But maybe because my motivation is to share and inspire people with my travel and fashion experiences, and so I never quit up until now.

Back in July 2015 when I posted my first ever blog about my travel to Pinto Art Museum, (link here I still remember that ecstatic feeling I felt while I was writing and wanting to share it. From that, I began writing more travel stories and share my experiences from the different places I’ve been to.

One of my favorite travels is when we went to Gigantes Island (link here, which was sometime in September 2015, where the influx of tourists was still not yet the problem. When I blogged about Gigantes Island, I was surprised that some of my readers messaged me asking more about the place. I then thought to myself that blogging is also a channel of helping others to have their travel adventures.

In 2016, I blogged about my Balesin Island experience (link here, on the same note, most of my readers messaged me and inquired regarding Balesin. I don’t know but maybe they thought I am a travel agent because of my blog approach when it comes to blogging my travels. Sadly, only those who have a membership can visit the island and lucky me for that opportunity to experience Balesin. But other than that, I am still happy I was able to share that experience that somehow made my readers dream for Balesin, who knows some of them made to Balesin already by this time.

In June 2017, I had my domain and it’s truly a milestone in my blogging passion. <3 

The year 2017 I can say was the busiest year I had. I had to travel to and from not just for leisure but at the same for business purposes and those were the times I cannot spare time for writing. I’m sure you guys know how tiring a trip can be. It was then the time, I found myself already off from blogging.

The year 2018 was the most turning point of my life, I became a mother. I became a full-time mom up until the year 2019. 


By the mid-year 2019, I ventured to another passion turn business called “Littlepuffs Event Styling”. (link of here I was busy-as-a-bee in styling Events and blogging was somehow out of the picture anymore.

When 2020 came in, a lot of things happened like this pandemic. While we were in strict community quarantine, I realized God opened me to an opportunity to get back on my blogging since I have a lot of time to think and meditate on things that I want to do in my life. Truly, I can say that this crisis makes people insane but then we can always see beautiful things amidst a crisis. So I decided to go back to my writing not just catching up writing my previous travels but at the same sharing my experience as a first time mom and event designing. From Shahani meets Travel and Fashion (Travel blogs) to Shahani's Life Journey (Motherhood, travel and Events).

I always thank God that despite my absence in blogging, I still have viewers and readers that still read & views my blogs. Every time I opened my dashboard, the views give me a reason not to quit blogging.


And for that, I say thank you, guys. Keep reading and be inspired.


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